Hillsborough ‘soccer dad’ supports Ciccarelli, Britting for Township Committee

I can write and testify I have known John Ciccarelli for over a decade. I can also speak to the many ways his actions and leadership have positively impacted the lives of my children, along with thousands of other Hillsborough children. However, speaking to John’s direct impact on “my” Hillsborough experience may come across slightly subjective. Therefore, to effectively support this endorsement, I’d like to take a high vantage point approach, speak to facts, and attempt to encapsulate John’s influence on the Hillsborough community from an independent perspective.

When I first met John in 2011, he was volunteering as a Hillsborough Recreation Soccer coach. John, to that point, had spent six years donating his time coaching at the recreation level for Hillsborough youth soccer. Later in 2011, John took a volunteer position with the Hillsborough Soccer Club’s (HSC’s) board of directors.

At this time, our oldest daughter began playing travel soccer with HSC and our family was fortunate enough to be on the same parent sideline with John and his family. For several years to follow we spent many a Sunday afternoon together cheering for our daughters on their team, the “Fireworks.” It was during these years I got to know John’s wonderful family and came to understand John the person, John the professional and John the volunteer.

Without question, John Ciccarelli is incredibly passionate about the quality of life for Hillsborough and its families. John, an expert consultant on civil engineering, is extremely talented and uniquely versed in several areas — infrastructure, construction, taxes, and education. In 2015, John became the president of HSC and solidified foundational practices that would prove to benefit Hillsborough’s travel soccer club for several years to come.

Concurrently, during John’s years as HSC president, I was volunteering as an HSC head coach. From 2015 through 2017, I worked with John directly within the organization and witnessed his ability to consistently solve complex issues with a rational approach. Most importantly and above all, what I observed through working with John is that he cares about our families.

Over the last 17 years John has served on several boards, committees, and volunteer posts. John’s work ethic and commitment have always been consistent and never wavering. His integrity, ability to communicate and problem-solving competences are exactly what we need in Hillsborough. I urge Hillsborough to vote for John Ciccarelli and Bob Britting for Hillsborough Township Committee.

Michael LaMastro

Longtime Hillsborough resident and Soccer Dad