Testimony expected to resume on proposed warehouse in Jackson

JACKSON — Testimony is scheduled to resume at the Dec. 12 meeting of the Jackson Planning Board on an applicant’s proposal to construct a 154,700-square-foot warehouse on West Commodore Boulevard.

Jackson One, LLC, is proposing to construct the building, which includes 2,000 square feet of office space for use by the tenant. The applicant is seeking preliminary and final major site plan approval for the warehouse and site improvements.

Jackson One is represented by attorney Salvatore Alfieri. The application was heard by the board at its Nov. 7 meeting, but a decision was not reached that evening. Several outstanding issues are expected to be discussed when the public hearing resumes on Dec. 12.

In brief remarks before representatives of Jackson One testified, Doug Klee, the board’s engineer, said the proposed building is a permitted use in the commercial, office, light industrial zone where it is being proposed.

He said the plan is compliant with the LM zoning requirements on West Commodore Boulevard. Klee said the applicant has proposed a 24-hour, seven-day operation at the location.

Engineer Tony Diggan was the first professional to testify on behalf of the applicant. Diggan said the proposed warehouse would be constructed at the intersection of West Commodore Boulevard (Route 526) and Patterson Road.

Two driveways on West Commodore Boulevard would be used by warehouse employees and one driveway on Patterson Road would provide tractor-trailer access to a loading and unloading area at the rear of the building, Diggan said.

Responding to questions from Alfieri, Diggan confirmed that no retail sales would occur at the site; that all goods would be stored in the building; that no hazardous chemicals would be stored in the building; and that all products would be stored in a completely enclosed building.

Alfieri said no tenant for the warehouse has been identified at this time.

“We are asking for three shifts (24-hour operation), although a tenant may not want that,” the attorney said.

The next witness, project architect Kyle Ferrier, described the appearance of the building. He said the warehouse would have sprinklers and noted that the proposed 2,000 square feet of office space would be at a front corner of the building.

Ferrier said the loading docks will be at the rear of the warehouse. At its highest point the warehouse would be 48 feet tall, according to the architect, who described the structure as “a shell building with no interior construction.”

Alfieri then called on Adam Gibson to provide testimony regarding vehicle volume at the site.

Gibson said he has met with Ocean County representatives to discuss access at the site, noting that West Commodore Boulevard is under the county’s jurisdiction. He described the proposed building as one that would contain “general warehousing uses.”

Regarding the volume of vehicles at the site, Gibson said that during the morning peak hours of 7-9 a.m., there would be 42 total trips (vehicles entering and exiting), while in the afternoon peak hours of 4-6 p.m., there would be 45 total trips.

Gibson said the site would see about five truck trips per hour (entering and leaving the site). The other trips are employees arriving at and leaving the location and deliveries being made by smaller trucks, (i.e., a van or a box truck).

A left turn lane is proposed to be constructed on eastbound West Commodore Boulevard so drivers heading east on that street will not have to stop behind a truck that is turning left onto Patterson Road, Gibson said.

After listening to the testimony from the applicant’s witnesses, Planning Board Chairman Robert Hudak offered several comments about the Jackson One application, noting that, “this (proposal) is going through the heart of a lot of major residential areas.”

Hudak said he has concerns about trucks leaving the warehouse and making a left turn from Patterson Road to eastbound West Commodore Boulevard.

The board’s chairman asked if a restriction could be put in place so trucks leaving the warehouse would only be permitted to turn right from Patterson Road onto westbound West Commodore Boulevard.

Alfieri said he would discuss Hudak’s suggestion with his client, but would not be able to provide an answer that evening.

Gibson said even if a prohibition on left turns from Patterson Road to eastbound West Commodore Boulevard was put in place for trucks, it might be difficult to enforce that regulation once a truck left the warehouse site.

No one from the public commented on the Jackson One application when given the opportunity to do so.

Several outstanding issues remain to be discussed, including fire lane access; the condition and maintenance of Patterson Road; requiring trucks to turn right from Patterson Road onto westbound West Commodore Boulevard; shifting the proposed location of one of the two driveways on West Commodore Boulevard; and the possible 24-hour operation of the site, which Hudak said “is a no go.”

The Jackson One application was carried to the board’s Dec. 12 meeting.