Federal funds will help renovate, expand Edison’s Toth Health Center; enhance student support at Middlesex College

In his first month in office, Edison Mayor Sam Joshi visited Washington D.C. to meet with members of Congress and the U.S. Senate about Edison’s funding needs.

“This year, my administration has secured an unprecedented amount of federal, state and county funds towards various Edison projects and I look forward continuing this success,” Joshi said in a post on social media.

He thanked Congressman Frank Pallone Jr., U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez, and U.S. Sen. Cory Booker (all D-NJ) for their support.

Edison is receiving $3 million to renovate and expand the Dr. William Toth Health Center in Edison to better meet the health needs of the community, especially seniors.

Joshi announced improvements to the health center during his state of the township address in February.

The Toth Health Center on Idlewild Road will undergo an approximately 2,000-square foot improvement project and become the township’s second senior center.

“Programming at this location will complement activities at the Edison Senior Center on Woodbridge Avenue and enable them to service hundreds of residents,” Joshi said. “The upgraded new senior center will create a one-stop service area where seniors can receive medical attention and socialize with their friends and our health department leaders will use this space for more important community events.”

Some 15% of Edison residents are 65 years or older and many of them have lived in Edison for decades, Joshi said.

“They are the retired civil servants, teachers and volunteers that have kept our town running through its most turbulent times,” he said. “They are a vital part of our community and we owe it to them to see that they are properly cared for and given the opportunity to continue having stimulating experiences.”

Transportation routes to get seniors to medical appointments and grocery stores will expand and parking spaces to accommodate more activities will be added.

The funds are part of the $51.37 million funds secured by Pallone for 15 projects in Middlesex and Monmouth counties in a federal spending bill for Fiscal Year 2023. The projects will help rebuild and repair infrastructure, support public health and educational facilities, invest in scientific research, and improve coastal resilience. President Joe Biden is expected to sign the bill soon.

“These projects are a major achievement for my Congressional district and will help rebuild critical infrastructure, promote public health, and bolster educational funding in Middlesex and Monmouth counties,” Pallone said. “These investments will also help create jobs with better pay, make us safer, strengthen our communities, and address the climate crisis. I’m proud that we were able to get these projects across the finish line and look forward to seeing President Biden sign the underlying legislation into law.”

Among the funds includes $1 million for Middlesex College to enhance student support to improve retention and increase graduation rates for adult learners and improve the lives of Middlesex County residents who have been incarcerated or at greater risk of being incarcerated.

The College in Edison had awarded Pallone the Paige D. L’Hommedieu Award in September.

“Congressman Pallone has been a passionate advocate for Middlesex County and its residents throughout his long and distinguished career as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives,” College President Mark McCormick said. “A champion of education, he has helped advance the College’s mission to expand access to higher education.”

McCormick said Pallone’s latest efforts of securing the funds for the College demonstrates the congressman’s ongoing support.