Monroe Township earns silver certification from Sustainable Jersey

Monroe Township’s efforts in implementing solutions for sustainability challenges has earned the township the silver certification from Sustainable Jersey.

Township officials announced that Monroe was one of 81 municipalities that were selected by Sustainable Jersey to receive the silver certification in 2022.

“Monroe Township has been at the forefront of municipal ‘Going Green’ initiatives for many years thanks to the passion and dedication of our Green Team in partnership with our Environmental Commission who help turn the Township’s commitment to sustainability into action,” Mayor Stephen Dalina said.

According to Sustainable Jersey, actions by Sustainable Jersey communities make a significant contribution with efforts such as reducing waste, improving public health and cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

“It’s thanks to programs such as Sustainable Jersey and volunteers like Karen Polidoro and Renee Haider who co-chair our Environmental Commission that Monroe Township can continue to expand our green initiatives,” Dalina said.

Monroe earned points from Sustainable Jersey for its many community outreach programs, including holding its Green Fair, performing energy audits of all municipal buildings, preserving farmland and open space, diversity initiatives, prescription drug safety and disposal programs, recycling and waste reduction efforts, according to the township.

To receive the silver certification Monroe Township had to have an established mandatory Green Team, implement 3 of 14 priority actions, complete sustainability actions in 8 of 18 categories, and earn at least 350 points.

The 18 categories of actions from Sustainable Jersey are: Animals in the Community, Arts & Creative Culture, Brownfields, Community Partnership & Outreach, Diversity & Equity, Emergency Management & Resiliency, energy, food, green design, health & wellness, and innovative projects.

Additionally, land use & transportation, local economies, natural resources, operations & maintenance, public information & engagement, sustainability & climate planning, and waste management.

“The Sustainable Jersey certified municipalities demonstrate sustainability excellence. The annual awards event at the New Jersey League of Municipalities Conference is a celebration of their accomplishments,” said Randall Solomon, director of Sustainable Jersey.

Monroe’s silver certification will be for three years. Once the third year concludes or earlier, the township would be able to recertify with Sustainable Jersey, according to Sustainable Jersey’s website.

“As New Jersey faces issues such as the climate crisis, a growing equity divide and environmental pollution, the certified towns exemplify the commitment we need to accelerate the transition to a sustainable New Jersey,” Solomon said.