Skurbe, Bierman to continue to lead Monroe Township Board of Education

Chrissy Skurbe will remain president of the Monroe Township Board of Education.

The 10-member school board voted, 6-4, in favor of Skurbe over board member Kate Rattner to lead the board at the Board of Education’s (BOE) reorganization meeting on Jan. 3.

“I want to thank my fellow board members for your support,” Skurbe said.

Board member Kathleen Belko had nominated Chrissy Skurbe for president of the school board.

Board member Carmen Alvarez then nominated Kate Rattner for the position.

For Skurbe the votes were as follows: Alvarez (no), Belko (yes), Karen Bierman (yes), Gazala Bohra (yes), Gail DiPane (no), Katie Fabiano (no), Rattner (no), Skurbe (yes), Michelle Scott (yes), and Peter Tufano (yes).

All the members who voted “no” for Skurbe voted “yes” for Rattner.

Skurbe had served as president during 2022.

In the election for board vice president, Bierman was reappointed with the same close 6-4 vote count to the position she had held in 2022 on the school board.

Belko nominated Bierman and DiPane nominated Fabiano for the position in 2023.

Earlier in the meeting, Carmen Alvarez, Gail DiPane, Peter Tufano, and Michelle Scott, who is the Jamesburg representative, were administered the oath of office to begin serving in their three-year terms on the school board.

In the 2022 November general election, Peter Tufano received 8,325 votes, DiPane earned 7,558 votes, Alvarez secured 6,875 votes, and Scott received 678 votes.

The 10-member school board now consists of Board President Chrissy Skurbe, Vice President Karen Bierman, Carmen Alvarez, Kathleen Belko, Gazala Bohra, Kate Rattner, Katie Fabiano, Gail DiPane, Peter Tufano, and Michelle Scott.