Favorite memory of Cranbury School? Submit them online as part of the school’s ‘Hall of Memories’

A Hall of Memories will be one of many ways the community will celebrate Cranbury School’s 125th birthday in April.

Community members, former students and staff, and current students are some of the many that can share a favorite memory of their time at the school or celebrate in person on April 28 and April 30.

“For 125 years now, the Cranbury School has been the heart of the community and we are eager to bring people together to share special memories that bond us to this very special place,’” said Jennifer Diszler, principal and chief school administrator for The Cranbury School.

Diszler added that she hopes all current and former residents, alumni, staff and students join in the celebrations, and also send in their favorite memories so they can enjoy them together.

Plans are in motion for a dance for alumni, current and former parents, staff and residents on April 28, according to the school administration.

There is also the Community-Wide Daytime celebration on April 30, which will feature school tours, arts and crafts, food trucks, special performances and artifacts and photos about the school’s history.

The week prior, current students will also be engaging in fun and educational experiences to celebrate the school’s history and in a JamFest middle school dance sponsored by the Municipal Alliance and Parent Teacher Organization.

Diszler said a fun feature of the community celebrations will be a “Hall of Memories” displaying submitted content from anyone who has “a special memory of or a birthday wish” for the Cranbury School.

“Maybe you made a lifelong friend, or had a teacher who inspired you, or to this day remember an epic story from the playground,” she said.

For the Hall of Memories, the district is asking people to submit their memories online through the district website by April 1, so they can be featured in the exhibit and in a video being produced for the event.

The event website is www.cranburyschool.org/125, according to the school.

“Maybe you still tear up at the memory of watching your son, daughter or former student on stage, or always wanted to thank the staff who cared for you or your family,” Diszler said.

“Whatever those memories are, they are all a wonderful part of our shared experience, and we are excited to feature them.”

The district encourages anyone interested in attending the community events to take a moment to fill out a quick online interest form to keep up-to-date on event developments.

The event website will also be updated soon with details as they develop through the work of a committee of volunteers.

“The Cranbury School is a special place, and this gives us a chance to celebrate that shared experience together,” said Pramod Chivate, president of the Cranbury Township Board of Education.

The district is also looking for help to get the word out and encourages people to share information and links on their social media and personal contact lists.

“Even if you aren’t able to join us in person, we hope you will take a moment to share your memories with us online so we can continue to document and memorialize what has made this community what it is today,” Chivate said.