Eight streets in Princeton set for resurfacing

Farrand Road, Griggs Drive and Ridgeview Road are among the eight streets that will be resurfaced in the spring and summer.

The Princeton Council awarded a $1.54 million contract to Earle Asphalt Co. at its March 27 meeting. The company is based in Farmingdale.

Work will begin in June, said Municipal Engineer Deanna Stockton.

The streets that are to be resurfaced are Farrand Road, Griggs Drive, Hutchinson Drive and the John Street Alley, between Nassau Street and Hulfish Street.

Also, Journey’s End Lane, Ridgeview Road, Stuart Road East and Wittmer Drive will be resurfaced.

Earle Asphalt Co. came in as the lowest responsible bidder among five contractors bidding for the 2023 road resurfacing program, according to Stockton in a March 24 memorandum to the Princeton Council. The five bids ranged from $1.54 million to $1.97 million.

The Farmingdale-based company successfully completed the town’s 2021 road resurfacing program and the Bank Street improvement project, Stockton noted.