New Bordentown Township municipal complex plans moving forward

Bordentown Township renews annual agreement for student resource officer

The Bordentown Township Committee adopted several resolutions at its July 17 meeting.

Among them were several releases of escrow and bonds which are collected from developers and applicants before the Planning Board. The township renewed its annual agreement with the Bordentown Regional School District to provide a Student Resource Officer and a Class III Special Law Enforcement Officer for the upcoming school year.

The school district has agreed to contribute to the compensation the Class III Special Law Enforcement Officer during the 2023-24 school year in the amount of $28,160, according to the resolution.

The school district will make the payment in two installments with first installment to be paid by Dec. 31 and the second by June 30, 2024.

The Township Committee authorized an electronic tax sale for all taxes not paid in 2022. It will be held in October.

Planning for the new Municipal Complex on Municipal Drive continues. The design of the complex is entering its final stages and bids are being reviewed for the demolition of the Township-owned properties at 765 and 803 Farnsworth Road.

The committee approved a resolution accepting the proposal from Turek Consulting LLC for professional services for the new municipal building site design.

The new complex will require professional engineering services for the site design and construction work including site clearing, earthwork, paving, curbing, stormwater management, site utility work, landscaping, lighting, hardscaping and relatedly Burlington County and New Jersey Department of Transportation permitting.

Turek Consulting LLC has provided a proposal dated July 12 outlining the professional services required for the site design which includes nine geotechnical borings and eight test pits for stormwater, field investigation, laboratory testing, hydraulic conductivity testing, engineering analysis and reporting.

The Township Committee appointed Turek Consulting LLC for site design at a price not to exceed $151,880.

The 2022 Road Improvement Program is finishing up. Resurfacing road work was performed at Willow, Locust, Sweetbriar and Taconic roads. The road improvements to Groveville Road between Route 206 and Northern Community Park are commencing. The design of road improvements to Holloway Lane and Williamsburg Drive are being developed.

A $4 million bond ordinance was adopted in July to allow for capital purchases including trucks and a trailer for the Public Works Department and a vehicle for the Office of Emergency Management and for capital projects including Bonnie Lane stormwater improvements, a roof structure for the recycling yard, park improvements, and road improvements to Vine Way, Shady Lane, Arlington Road, and Thorntown Lane.

Two additional New Jersey Transit bus stops on West Burlington Street between Union Street and the I-295 overpass near the Juvenile Medium Security Facility are being considered via Ordinance No. 2023-09. A public hearing on this ordinance will be held at the Aug. 21 Township Committee meeting.