Princeton Adult School celebrates 85 years of learning

Registration for classes will be held Sept. 19

Princeton Adult School (PAS) is going back to school this fall by going back to the future to celebrate its 85th birthday with 290 offerings that will help all participants learn about the past and navigate the present and future.

“Big Tech News or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Our New Data World” will provide insights on many high-tech innovations in a manner accessible to participants no matter what their level of technology sophistication. Eight academics will offer an understanding of the history, value and future of technology today. For a bit of PAS trivia, 85 years ago completion of the technology course provided a certification in boiler operating.

The Princeton Adult School, founded in 1939, offers life-long learning opportunities to residents of the greater Princeton area, according to its website.

Celebrating the present, Princeton Adult School is offering three particularly inspiring programs presented by lecturers with strong Princeton roots. Two special Sunday afternoon programs highlight “Behind the Byline” with two native Princetonians. Award-winning Jenny Carchman, documentary film producer and director, and Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Mark Mazzetti will be in conversation on Oct. 22.

On Dec. 3, Landon Jones, former editor of People Magazine, will have a conversation about his much-celebrated new book “Celebrity Nation: How America Evolved into a Culture of Fans and Followers” with Professor William Gleason, Hughes-Rogers Professor of English and American Studies at Princeton University; the discussion is moderated by Marilyn Marks, former editor of the Princeton Alumni Weekly.

Beginning on Oct. 10, in-person classes at Princeton High School will delve into the poetry of Emily Dickinson, deal a winning poker hand, use belly dance as a workout, demystify Tarot, and uncover the beauty and value of one’s vintage treasures.

Online class offerings keep one’s brain nourished and imagination stimulated – without leaving home. Read and discuss audiobooks, play the piano, learn chess, dive into “Jane Eyre,” and solve who did it in whodunit films.

Off-site venues will offer how-to inspiration on the Japanese dyeing technique of Shibori, glassblowing, and country line dance.

Outdoors, participants can learn disc golf, navigation with map and compass, and birding.

English language learners will find an expanded English program at two locations plus virtual classes. In-person registration will be held at Princeton High School from 6:30-8 p.m. Sept. 19.

The high-energy board members volunteer their time to create the best possible learning experience for every registrant to make the PAS an invaluable community classroom. New to the board this year are Sylvia Debenedetti, Ilene Dube, Marilyn Marks, Liz Read, and Linda Ma Sung.