Mercer County addresses deficiencies with Hopewell-Princeton Road bridge

Mercer County will go out to bid for construction on the Hopewell-Princeton Road [Carter Road] bridge over the Bedens Brook.

The county plans to go to bid for the reconstruction of the bridge in late summer and early fall with actual construction anticipated for the late winter and early spring of 2024.

“The bridge is structurally deficient due to reduced load carrying capacity of the fascia beams. The bridge will be replaced in its entirety utilizing staged construction,” said Julie Willmot, spokesperson for Mercer County.

The bridge reconstruction work at the site is expected to take about nine months to complete.

“The proposed structure will have 11-foot lanes, six-foot shoulders and a single five-foot sidewalk,” Willmot added. “A temporary bridge will be utilized to maintain traffic during construction with short duration detours for its installation and removal.”

The Hopewell-Princeton Road roadway is two single lanes that connects to Princeton Avenue in Hopewell Borough or Carter Road on the way to Princeton or Lawrence Township.