Annual book sale a huge success

Thank you to everyone who helped to make the Friends & Foundation of Princeton Public Library’s (PPL) 2023 Annual Book Sale a huge success! An offering of 10,000 books were on display over the three-day event which was ably mounted and run by our faithful volunteers. This event takes months of planning, and relies on the commitment and skills of a small army of people.

We are thankful for our dedicated volunteers who work throughout the year sorting and pricing thousands of book donations, and for the volunteers and library staff who set up and ensured the event ran smoothly.

We are grateful for our faithful customers who return each year, and for the many new customers who visited us for the first time.

We owe our success in the annual sale and our year-round bookstore to the local community for their generous donations of new and gently used books and media throughout the year.

Please go to our website ( for more information about donating books, our bookstore and any upcoming sales. Please visit our Gently Used Bookstore in the PPL lobby, which is replenished every day.

We look forward to another successful annual book sale in 2024! 

Jeanine Rosen and Claire Bertrand

Co-Chairs of the 2023 Friends & Foundation of Princeton Public Library Annual Book Sale