Hopewell Township Police blotter

A Ewing Township man was charged with driving under the influence Oct. 27 after police responded to a call about a disabled vehicle on Pennington Road, near Pennington-Lawrenceville Road. He allegedly failed field sobriety tests. He was processed and released.

A victim reported that her husband’s information was used to make various purchases on their AT&T account, totaling $2,656.74. The purchases included two iPhone 15 cell phones and a pair of Air pods pro. The incident was reported Oct. 26.

A woman reported that unauthorized transactions totaling $3,997 were made against her Wells Fargo bank account after she responded to a fraudulent email that she thought was from the bank. The theft was discovered after she received notification from the bank about suspicious activity on her account. The incident was reported Oct. 25.

A victim told police that a Google Pixel 8 cell phone that she had ordered was missing from the package when it was delivered Oct 13. The cell phone was valued at $700. The incident was reported Oct. 21.

Someone used a Stanford Road East resident’s temporary New Jersey registration to avoid toll fees at the George Washington Bridge. The incident was reported Oct. 19.

Two shoplifters took 15 Yankee Candles valued at $382.35 from Stop & Shop on Denow Road Oct. 19. The suspects concealed the candles in shopping bags and left the store without paying for them.

A Sewell man was arrested on an outstanding warrant from Atlantic City Municipal Court Oct. 17. The warrant was discovered during the course of an investigation at a Pennington-Rocky Hill Road home. The man was processed and released.

A woman became the victim of identity theft after she attempted to open a link in an email to download tickets that she had purchased. When the tickets could not be downloaded, she called the customer service telephone number in the email. She discovered the email was fraudulent when numerous transactions were found on her bank account. The incident was reported Oct. 16.