Democrats return to seats on Hopewell Township Committee

Democratic incumbents Mayor Michael Ruger and Committeeman Kevin Kuchinski each earned new terms on the Township Committee in the general election Nov. 7.

Ruger and Kuchinski fended off challenges from Republican candidates Jennifer DiDonato and Daniel Hanley Jr. in their re-election bids for new three-year terms.

“Thank you to everyone who voted in Hopewell Township, and those who ran,” Ruger said. “Public service is an honor, and I am truly grateful that I will have the opportunity to continue to serve all residents and to work with my fellow committee members.”

Kuchinski added, “I’m grateful to the residents of Hopewell Valley for their continued support and look forward to working with Michael and the entire Township Committee to make Hopewell more affordable and to protect Hopewell Valley’s special character. 

“I am excited to see construction of the new bandshell at Woolsey Park underway and look forward to breaking ground in the coming year on our new Senior and Community Center.”

The Mercer County Clerk’s Office certified the election results on Nov. 22.

Ruger secured 3,217 votes and Kuchinski received 3,192 votes over DiDonato, who earned 1,704 votes and Hanley Jr., who received 1,647 votes.

The makeup of the Township Committee remains Democrat with Ruger as mayor, Deputy Mayor Courtney Peters-manning, Kuchinski as committeeman, Committeewoman Uma Purandare, and Committeeman David Chait.