Home Borrowers Service available at library

The materials of the Ocean County Library can be borrowed and home delivered free of charge through the library’s Home Borrowers Service. The service is available to county residents who are permanently or temporarily disabled or lack transportation. Amedical note is not required. There are currently friendly volunteers throughout the Brick area trained and ready to bring library materials to their homebound neighbors.

To enroll, homebound patrons simply calls their local branch or the Homebound and Volunteer Services department. The staffwillmake note of the customer’s reading preferences including formats such as large print, regular print, audio books or music CDs, and favorite authors and genres. The library then matches the homebound customer with a trained volunteer who will set up amutually convenient time to deliver and pick up library items.

To sign up for the free homebound delivery service, contact theBrick branch at (732) 477-4513 or call theHomeBorrowers Service office at (732) 349-6200, ext. 5530.