Training center graduates new firefighters

Forty-five new volunteer firefighters recently graduated from the Ocean County Fire and EMS Training Center in Waretown.

The new volunteer firefighters graduated after completing more than 170 hours of both classroom and hands-on training.

“On behalf of my colleagues on the Board of Freeholders, I would like to congratulate the 45 new volunteer firefighters who will serve throughout Ocean County,” John P. Kelly director of law and public safety said. “We can never express enough gratitude for the work you do in our communities.”

The Ocean County Fire and EMS Training Center follows New Jersey State Guidelines for Firefighter 1 Certification. Each student is expected to fulfill the required curriculum and upon completion, score 70 percent or higher on the 100 question written final exam. Students must also pass a practical skills exam to demonstrate their mental and physical abilities in facing impending challenges.

Among the local graduates to receive an award was Demetrius B. Andres of the Lakewood Hook & Ladder Volunteer Fire Company who received the Father Mychal Judge Leadership Award presented by the Ocean County Emerald Society.

The award is presented to one student who demonstrated exceptional leadership potential throughout the Firefighter 1 program.

Other local graduates include Kyle M. Matthews, Herbertsville Volunteer Fire Company, Steven G. Pejoski, Jackson Mills Volunteer Fire Company, and Patrick J. Soltis, Laurelton Volunteer Fire Company.