After eight years as Oceanport mayor, Michael Mahon joked that he will finally get to enjoy New Years Eve.
Mahon said during the Dec. 17 Borough Council meeting, his final meeting as mayor after losing an election to new Mayor John Coffey, that he was proud of his service to the borough.
And, he said, for the first time since 2008, he will not have to attend the borough’s annual reorganization meeting on New Year’s Day.
In a letter to borough residents, Mahon said he enjoyed his time as mayor, having accomplished much.
“My time as your mayor is at an end. I have enjoyed the last eight years serving this community,” Mahon wrote.
“I am proud of the many accomplishments that we have achieved and give credit to the many participants that helped along the way.”
During the Nov. 3 general election, Coffey, who ran as a write-in candidate, recorded 949 write-in votes to unseat Mahon, who received 721 votes. Coffey credited the social media campaign as the main impetus for his victory.
Mahon was elected to his first term as mayor in 2007, after serving one term on the Borough Council in 2001.
“My hair is grayer than it was in 2007 when you elected me Mayor at the age of 47, and much grayer since I was elected to council in 2001,” Mahon said. “Much has changed in this borough and I have worked hard to protect, to preserve, and to improve it.
“Thank you all so much for the opportunity to echo your voice in local government and the honor to serve Oceanport as mayor.”
Mahon said the major issues facing the borough’s future include the futures of Fort Monmouth and Monmouth Park and finding a new home for Borough Hall, which was destroyed by superstorm Sandy.
During the meeting, each member of council thanked Mahon for his service and presented the outgoing mayor with a decanter as a gift for his service. Mahon works as a roadway manager for the New Jersey Turnpike Authority’s Garden State Parkway Division. He is currently a member of the Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Planning Authority and the Oceanport Planning Board; liaison to the Environmental Commission, Library Association and Buildings & Grounds Committee.
In the Borough Council race, incumbent Republican John Patti received 901 votes and Republican newcomer Patricia Cooper registered 843 votes for four-year terms.
There was also a write-in campaign for council candidate Cullin Wible that was not as successful. According to the Monmouth County Board of Elections, Wible received 694 write in votes.
Councilman Stuart Briskey, a Republican who was recently appointed to replace Robert Lynch, who resigned, was elected to fill a one-year unexpired term with 1,141 votes.