I f you have something to say, The Hub wants to hear from you.
Whether it be in response to something you read in The Hub or an issue that concerns you, send us a letter for publication.
Letters to the editor will be published weekly on the editorial page. All letters should be typed or neatly printed and must include a daytime telephone number, at which the writer may be reached for verification. Letters should be as concise as possible.
The Hub reserves the right to edit all letters for grammar, spelling, length and questionable content. Because this is your newspaper, The Hub urges you to get involved. Keep us informed of your feelings and concerns so we can keep you better informed of the events that affect your life. Letters may be mailed to: Letters to the Editor, The Hub, P.O. Box 5001, Freehold, NJ 07728. Letters also may be faxed to 732- 870-6089. You may also email The Hub at [email protected].
All letters must include phone numbers for confirmation. No anonymous letters will be printed.