Scouting Controversy

In reaction to the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the James Dale v. the Boy Scouts of America case, there have been some Scouts and even scoutmasters who have written in dissent of that decision and what the Scouts believe as a moral code. Admit it or not, they are upset because their particular world view was rejected. In their view, those who believe homosexuality is wrong are wrong. They think those who differ with them should be forced to deny and be kept from living out what they believe.

This would be amusing if not so frightening. The reason it is frightening is because there is an ever-increasing movement in this country to ostracize and suppress those who hold to traditional morals as found in the Bible.

Does this sound paranoid? It is not without foundation. Witness the calls of those objecting to the Scouts’ victory who want the government to throw them out of all public facilities. Observe the vicious name calling, such as designating the Scouts and those who think like them as bigots. Or pronouncements that anyone agreeing with the Scouts is not enlightened. These tactics are merely the early stages of an effort to demonize those who hold to traditional values. After everyone accepts that, it is then socially acceptable to suppress and oppress those same people.

What is scary is that there are so many unthinking people out there who fail to see through this hypocrisy and fallacious argumentation. In their ignorance, they support them. The hypocrisy they do not see is how those demanding tolerance and acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle are intolerant of those opposing them. Apparently, they are blind to the fact that those who decry discrimination are themselves calling for government-enforced discrimination. While claiming the moral high ground, they do exactly what they so loudly protest.

If those supporting the homosexual cause truly believed in tolerance toward everyone and allowing everyone the right to their own beliefs, they would not demand that the Scouts change their beliefs. Instead, they would form their own organization. No one has said they cannot freely associate with whomever they chose whenever they want. But the homosexual movement does not want that. Their goal in the Scouts is to teach their world view, not molest your children. To do this they require the elimination of those who think differently than they do. That is why they want to take over not only the Scouts, but every major institution, with marriage being the grand prize. To achieve their goal, the subjugation of those who disagree with them is fundamental.

No, the homosexual rights movement is not some sort of highly principled humanitarian group. It is a world view looking to convert or eliminate those who refuse to believe and who stand in their way.

John C Hendrickson

Red Bank