Public now well informed about liquid natural gas proposal

Iam writing this letter to inform you of the very pressing issue of off-shore liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities being proposed off our coast in three different locations such as Sea Bright and Asbury Park.

LNG pollutes with even more greenhouse gas emissions than domestic natural gas, up to 40 percent more. The action of finding, tapping, piping and burning supplies adds more pollution to the already energy intensive process. The air pollution that LNG creates has even been compared to the burning of coal. In order to replace LNG cargos, the facilities would have to use billions of gallons of seawater, destroying large amounts of fish species. Any offshore port devastates marine life and habitat, endangering many threatened species. It would also create navigational hazards in the busiest port on the east coast, causing accidents and spills. If an LNG facility undergoes a terrorist attack, the implications are extremely hazardous and not worth the risky chance.

Gov. Corzine is currently making the decision of whether to sign on to the creation of these LNG ports or to reject it. Informing the public through an article in your paper would be highly constructive in showing the widespread opposition necessary to persuade Gov. Corzine’s rejection, just as California, Connecticut and the Long Island Sound rejected it.
Safya O’Rourke
Atlantic Highlands