RED BANK – Lunch Break pantry director Katherine “K.C.” Couslar passed away on Jan. 29 at Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune.
Couslar was an integral part of the Lunch Break team, serving as the organization’s pantry director for almost 15 years. Through her work, she touched and helped thousands of people, making sure they left Lunch Break renewed and well fed.
Born June 11, 1927, Couslar studied radio electronics and worked for the U.S. government as a procurement specialist at Fort Monmouth until retiring and taking charge of the Lunch Break pantry, which distributes food and clothing to those in need in the community.
In addition, she ran the Thanksgiving food basket program for Lunch Break. She worked at the pantry five days a week, from 7 a.m. to around 2 or 3 p.m. organizing the extensive pantry and making up baskets of food for the people who came there for help over a bump in the road.
The help they were given often went beyond merely packing a bag full of groceries.
“Sometimes I’ll give people food that they don’t knowhowto cook,” she said. “So they’ll callme up and I’ll let themknowhowto cook it.”
And sometimes, the help offered didn’t have anything to do with food at all.
She recalled a young woman who came to the pantry years ago who was in an abusive relationship. K.C. and Norma Todd, founder and director of Lunch Break, worked with the woman.
“We helped her look at schools,” saidK.C. “Now she’s a nurse atMonmouthMedical.”
Couslar grew up in Philadelphia and took a job with the U.S. Army as an inventory management specialist. Her husband worked for the U.S. Air Force, and in 1968 they were transferred to Fort Monmouth. After 27 1/2 years as a government employee, a congenital heart problem forced her to retire. That is when she took over the pantry at Lunch Break.
In addition to her work at the pantry, Couslar organized aKids Camp for about 50 children from the community.
The camp, sponsored by the borough of Red Bank through the Community YMCA, is for children ages 5 to 13.
“It started with some kids who just wanted to go to camp,” she said. She also initiated Lunch Break’s popular Adopt-a- Family program, which provides gifts and holidaymeals for children and their families during the holiday. This past holiday season the program helped more than 300 families in need.
Organizing the pantry and the camp are whatK.C. did best – – simply helping people in need in whatever way she could.
“When I laymy head down at night,” she said simply, “I just hope I’ve done something good for someone.”
Lunch Break Vice President and Trustee Memone Crystian paid tribute to K.C. this week.
“We’re deeply saddened by K.C.’s passing. She was a beloved member of Lunch Break and her love for the organization and the people we serve was obvious to all.We’ll miss her and to honor her we’re remaining focused on what she’d want us to do: help even more people and help change even more lives, just as she did,” said Crystian.
Couslar is survived by her sister, two sons, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Letters of condolence may be directed to The Couslar Family, care of 702 O’Hagen Terrace, Neptune, NJ 07758.
Lunch Break provides hot meals and other critical assistance such as clothing and services to those in need.
Lunch Break is committed to meeting the critical needs of Monmouth County residents in need. To make a donation or for additional information, call (732) 747- 8577, e-mail [email protected] or visit