Best place for Millstone facilities? Another town

Best place for Millstone
facilities? Another town

Perhaps the Millstone Fire Commissioners could sell their 2-acre parcel on Gaston Mill Court to the Millstone Recreation Committee for use as a playground. I can’t imagine parents not wanting a safe, well-lighted place for their children to play that is convenient and close to home.

Oh, sorry, I forgot; the last thing anyone wants is kids playing in their own back yard or a centrally located fire station.

Better to put them out on the Manalapan border next to a heavily traveled county road or out on Route 33. Of course, I’m being sarcastic, but doesn’t anyone else see the irony of it all?

If you want to live with playgrounds and such, why did you move somewhere that doesn’t have these things? Everyone comes to Millstone for what is and then wants to change it once they are here.

Why don’t we just "bite the bullet" and get some property for the high school? You know it’s coming. Let’s decide where to put it and build everything around there. I’d like an ice hockey rink, swimming pool and croquet field too.

Maybe we can condemn some land in Manalapan or Upper Freehold for a high school, recreation fields and a fire station. That seems like the only solution to appease everyone.

Jeff Van Arsdale
