Millstone’s BOE finds new member

Mother of three wants to set firm foundations for other children


MILLSTONE – The Board of Education now has a full complement of nine members.

Mitali Vasa, 38, was sworn in at the May 27 meeting to fill a vacant position on the board. The board unanimously chose her for the post.

Three candidates ran unopposed in the April 15 election for four available seats on the Board of Education. The board appointed Vasa to fill the seat that no one opted to run for in the election. Although the seat has a three-year term, her appointment is for one year and she would have to run for the seat in the next election if she desires to remain on the board.

Boardmember KevinMcGovern was in a similar situation last year, and this year ran unopposed for a two-year term on the board.

Vasa, who lives on Turtle Clan Court in the Clarksburg section of town, has three children, ages 3, 8 and 10. She works for AT&T as a senior program manager and has a master’s degree in computer science from Monmouth University.

When asked why she decided to apply for the available board seat, Vasa replied, “I believe that our children are the future of our country. If the foundations are not set firm, they will find it very difficult to face any forthcoming challenges. Keeping their best interest in mind, I decided to apply.”

As far as what she considers to be the most important issues facing the school district, Vasa said there is a constant tug-of-war between a shrinking budget and expanding curriculum.Other areas she voiced concerns about areAllentownHigh Schoolmyths and early childhood education.

Vasa said her education began when she was 3 1/2 years old, when attending three-hour school sessions was mandatory.

“By kindergarten, we knew our alphabets and numbers,” she said. “Early childhood education is what New Jersey is trying to emphasize.”

When asked about the quality of education her children are receiving in township schools, Vasa said she believes the district has excellent teachers.

“The curriculum is very good and we have a great momentum,” she said.