United Landowners should disclose membership

Some members of the United Landowners of Upper Free-hold would probably stand to lose a significant amount of money if the township were to raise the minimum acreage for a residential lot from 2 to 4 acres.

Anyone serving in an official capacity for the township, even on a board with only an advisory capacity (such as the Environ-mental Commission), should disclose if they have direct ties to the United Landowners organization.

The Environmental Commis-sion is charged with providing guidance to the Planning Board and the Township Committee on environmental and conservation matters.

If the commission decides to weigh in on 4-acre zoning and make an official recommendation to the Planning Board, those with ties to United Landowners should recuse themselves from any vote on that issue.

It does not make sense to allow those with a vested interest in the township’s zoning law to advise the Planning Board or the Township Committee on issues where they have a conflict of interest.