So. Amboy will honor veterans a week early

Memorial Day parade begins at 1 p.m. May 22


SOUTH AMBOY — In hopes of attracting more residents to its annual Memorial Day parade, the American Legion has planned the event for this weekend, one week before the holiday.

“South Amboy has a very large St. Patrick’s Day parade, and a number of people who show up for that,” said parade organizer Ed Peterson, commander of the Luke A. Lovely American Legion Post 62. However, with Memorial Day weekend being the unofficial start of summer, many head out of town — not downtown.

“We’d be lucky if we had 500,” Peterson said of attendance in past years. “It’s embarrassing when you have a parade and nobody’s out there.”

Peterson stressed that the parade is an important way to remember those veterans who have sacrificed their lives, and to honor the many veterans who live in and around South Amboy.

Post 62 worked with the city to find a solution— and the result was moving the parade to May 22. The parade steps off at 1 p.m. from the Knights of Columbus on 4th Street and continues on Stevens Avenue, John Street and Broadway.

What also may be working in the American Legion’s favor is that this year’s St. Patrick’s Day parade was cancelled due to inclement weather. Peterson said residents might be more eager to participate.

However, the veteran-centric events this month extend beyond the parade, Peterson stressed. A half-hour ceremony at City Hall concludes the parade at around 2 p.m., and features speeches by American Legion leaders and local officials. The American Legion also holds a reception for parade participants after the event.

Then, on May 23, Peterson and other American Legion members and guests will visit the gravesites of fallen veterans to remove flags in preparation of replacing them the following week, on the 30th.

“We travel to 10 local sites to have a short ceremony, fire a gun salute, and play taps,” Peterson said of the May 30 schedule. The American Legion is assisted by the Scouts of Troop 95 in tending to the gravesites. The public is welcome to join the American Legion in the yearly rituals at these sites.

“It’s always nice to have people come out,” Peterson said.

These events help people remember what Memorial Day is all about — honoring fallen veterans.

“Memorial Day, to me, is when we show our appreciation and gratitude to all the service men and women who have died for our country,” said Peterson, who is a Gulf War veteran. He added that it is important to remember that we live in “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

Peterson noted that the parade date change will be good for local businesses if it encourages more residents to participate.

“We’re trying to get as many people out there as possible,” Peterson said.

And the city has added some fun elements to bring out the crowds, including a pizza eating contest before the event and a Patriotic Pooch Contest, which carries a top prize of $100. Triple H Productions will also put on a “Patriotic Revue.”

“Since this is a community event, I think that the contests are a great way to get some additional participation,” Peterson said.

The city also is looking for its oldest living veteran to be part of the fun. Details on all of these events are located on the city’s website. Those looking for additional details should email events@southamboynj. gov or call Karen at 732-525-5961.

The parade does not have a rain date. If inclement weather is expected and organizers decide to cancel, a message will be left by 7 p.m. on Friday at 732-525-5933.