Thoughts on holiday trees and teaching values, morality

Where have values truly gone? I can remember my parents enforcing rules when I was a child and teaching us 10 children values that formed as a result of true beliefs and knowledge. Today, however, there still exist parents such as that, but morals are depleting primarily due to impressions made and dictated by Hollywood and politicians. Attitudes have become too lax due to disposable marriages and who’s with whom this week as well as votes on taking God out the Pledge of Allegiance and taking the Ten Commandments from courthouses.

It is apparent that we cannot count on politicians to help enforce or change rules based on morality, as change is only made when it benefits them or those who financially support them. It is up to us as a society based on morality to teach our children faith, to teach them respect, to teach them that rules, as tough as they may be, are good and are for our benefit.

I have become angrier at the many changes that occur nowadays such as the changing of the “Christmas tree” to the “holiday tree” and the enforcement of new rules in offices where one can no longer display religious decorations during his or her holiday season. I wish to continue to call Christmas trees just that, never holiday trees, not because they have any direct relevance with regard to Christmas, but because they have become a symbol of or a part of the Christmas I grew to know and love. In my faith, even Santa kneels before the crib, as Santa is but a symbol of how commercialized Christmas has become. Yet, for my children’s benefit, it does them good to believe in the generous heart of Santa, so it’s more what he represents.

With that in mind, I ask during this holiday season that we all, Christian, Jewish, Muslim and every other religion, focus on revealing the truths of these faiths to our children so they can grow with faith and belief in family, friends and humanity and to not disparage other faiths.

I wish to ask that during the coming new year we all celebrate life and family and make a conscientious effort not to change rules or laws to meet one’s needs, but to first regard how the laws were formed and the basis on which they were founded. May everyone then have a wonderful and happy new year and hopefully a stronger basis for all upcoming years.

Michael Degenhardt

Old Bridge