Heather Krulewski as Grace Farrell, Maggie Bera as Annie, and Omar Bin-Safar as Oliver Warbucks rehearse Monday for Triple H Production's "Annie Jr." The shows are at 7:30 p.m. May 5-6 at St. Stanislaus Kostka School, 221 MacArthur Ave., Sayreville. Tickets are $12; $10 for students and seniors. Reserve by calling (732) 651-7264. A portion of ticket sales will benefit the St. Stan's School Drama Club and the Schoenly School Kids Play organization in Spotswood. Visit www.triplehproductions.com for more information.Heather Krulewski as Grace Farrell, Maggie Bera as Annie, and Omar Bin-Safar as Oliver Warbucks rehearse Monday for Triple H Production’s “Annie Jr.” The shows are at 7:30 p.m. May 5-6 at St. Stanislaus Kostka School, 221 MacArthur Ave., Sayreville. Tickets are $12; $10 for students and seniors. Reserve by calling (732) 651-7264. A portion of ticket sales will benefit the St. Stan’s School Drama Club and the Schoenly School Kids Play organization in Spotswood. Visit www.triplehproductions.com for more information.