HOWELL — The Township Council has re-established a municipal board that will work to preserve and protect Howell’s environmental resources.
Mayor Bill Gotto said the governing body has reconstituted the Green Team. The panel will be eligible to receive funding that will be used to preserve and protect the community’s environmental resources.
The council’s goal in re-establishing the Green Team is to save tax dollars, make sure there is clean air and water for residents, and improve the quality of life for residents, according to a resolution passed by the council.
“The Township Council desires to build a model government which benefits our residents now and far into the future with green community initiatives which are easy to replicate and affordable to implement,” the resolution states.
One of the group’s primary goals will be to focus on “green” issues, starting with audits of municipal facilities and operations, as well as operational changes as Howell takes steps to lessen the environmental impact of its operations.
“With several initiatives that Howell has taken recently, we are definitely doing different and better things for energy and the environment,” Gotto said.
Members of the Green Team may include the mayor, Township Council members, the township manager, purchasing agent, public works director, community development director, Environmental Commission members, Planning Board members, Zoning Board of Adjustment members, Shade Tree Commission members, and volunteers who may include residents and business operators.
The Green Team has been charged with submitting a report to the council by Oct. 1, 2015, that will include an audit of municipal facilities, an evaluation of municipal fleet vehicles and a report of suggested best practices for “greener” municipal operations, according to the resolution.
“The team will collaborate with township employees, service providers and other governmental agencies to share resource information and ideas consistent with the mission of the [Green Team],” the resolution states.
It is expected that the members of the Green Team will be appointed in the near future.