Plumsted sets salary ranges

PLUMSTED — An ordinance that establishes the salary range of more than 50 municipal positions in Plumsted was adopted by the Township Committee on March 4.

The ordinance defines the lowest and highest approved salary for each position. It does not state the exact amount that an employee who holds a specific job is paid.

The salary ranges for the municipal clerk ($15,000 to $49,920), tax assessor ($15,000 to $48,880) and general maintenance working supervisor ($40,000 to $47,500) are the highest among nonpolice employees.

Other salary ranges include the chief financial officer ($1,000 to $41,600), the municipal court administrator ($15,000 to $41,600), the assistant treasurer ($12,740 to $41,600) and the downtown economic development executive director ($9,000 to $40,000).

Although the ordinance codifies salary ranges for 2015, some changes were approved by the committee ahead of time.

The mayor, who is a member of the governing body, and the remaining four members of the committee receive a maximum salary of $1 a year, according to the ordinance.

Included in the 2015 salary ordinance was the pay scale for members of the Plumsted Township Police Department. The chief of police may be paid between $15,000 and $77,800. The remaining officers may be paid between $32,704 and $75,800. Officials said the salary ranges for the police department were set by existing collective bargaining agreements.

— Andrew Martins