The Resiliency Program offers help for those suffering from PTSD and anxiety

Dr. Steven Zodkoy of Monmouth Advanced Medicine, Freehold, has teamed up with Soldier On to provide free care for veterans, soldiers and their families suffering with anxiety, burnout, depression and PTSD.

Dr. Zodkoy developed The Resiliency Program as a solution to the epidemic of veterans suffering after serving their country. This program was based on a successful research study he did with U.S. Marines and is the basis for his best selling-book Misdiagnosed:The Adrenal Fatigue Link.The program has already proven to be a game changer for many of its participants.

“Before I came to The Resiliency Program, I felt ruined. From family tragedy and military service I had been diagnosed with PTSD, anxiety and depression. I had tried making myself useful around the office, but even normal everyday work had me so stressed out that I couldn’t function. I was ready to leave the military and resign myself to a life of just getting by. Dr. Z’s program changed me in a way that I had never thought possible. I’m back at work and back to being a present husband and father thanks to the program.” — Cody, USMC

The Resiliency Program is designed to rebuild the minds and bodies of veterans and their families.The main focus of the program is to assist veterans with anger, anxiety, burnout, depression, fatigue, insomnia and PTSD. The Resiliency Program is unique in that it is not a mental health program, but the care is based on building the body’s natural resiliency for health through nutrition and energy balancing.This program has proven effective in even the most difficult case, when medications, therapy, and other treatments have failed.The Resiliency Program has helped hundreds of military personnel and veterans regain their health and vitality.

Through Soldier On,The Resiliency Program is currently operating in five states: NJ, NY, MA, MS, and PA, and was recently adopted by the Albany County Correctional Facility.The program, though only eight months old, has already enrolled more than 160 veterans, with many participants already praising the results.

“Following family tragedy and major life complications, I fell off the edge and couldn’t pick myself back up. I surrendered and entered the Soldier On Resiliency Program. Just out of being scared, I listened to what they said and did what they told me to do.The program worked like magic. Somehow it balanced my mind to the point that I could get through the most difficult time of my life. I thank Soldier On and all those who participated.” — Chris F., veteran

The Resiliency Program has two parts. Part one is lab testing of urine to measure neurotransmitters.This test is a good indicator of what nutritional supplements will help improve the emotional and physical health of the veteran. Part two involves hands-on work with a technique called Neuro Emotional Technique (NET). NET involves desensitization of stressors through coordinating tapping of acupuncture meridians.There are no needles involved.

“The Resiliency Program is an extension of the work I have been doing with my patients for years.The general public sufferers with anxiety, burnout, depression, stress and PTSD ; veterans have similar complaints but often more severe.This program was developed to help those who have not responded to medications, therapy or more traditional treatment methods.This program offers a safe and effective option for our veterans,” Dr. Zodoy said.

If you are a veteran or soldier suffering with anxiety, burnout, depression, or PTSD, contact Christie at Dr. Steven Zodkoy’s office at 732-308-0099 or [email protected]. Learn more at Soldier On’s website: