Ocean County municipalities will share in more than $917,000 of recycling revenues to be distributed by the Ocean County Board of Freeholders.
“I am pleased to announce that Ocean County towns will be getting checks from us shortly for their outstanding recycling efforts,” said Freeholder James F. Lacey, who serves as liaison to the county’s recycling program. “This is the largest payout — close to $1 million — we have been able to provide to our towns under the county’s Recycling Revenue Sharing Program.
“As we work at keeping government cost-effective and efficient, this is one program that has a positive impact on all of our towns,” Lacey said.
According to a press release, since 1995 the county has distributed more than $12 million to the municipalities that participate in the county’s recycling program through its Recycling Revenue Sharing Program.
The amount returned to the towns is based on the amount of recyclables collected and brought to the county and the price per commodity in the current market.
“This program has given us the ability to make trash into treasure,” said Freeholder Director Joseph H. Vicari. “The recycling program, under the leadership of Jim Lacey, has been profitable economically and environmentally.” The three municipalities receiving the highest amounts for material recycled during the first half of 2011 are Toms River, Lakewood and Brick Township.
“The recycling effort by the residents of Toms River is resulting in almost $184,000 being returned to that town,” Lacey said. “Lakewood will receive $140,141 and Brick will receive $100,222.”
Lacey said towns can use the money as needed, although many invest it back into the recycling program.
Ocean County towns recycled more than 35,340 tons of material during the first half of 2011, according to the press release.
A ton of aluminum is now priced at $1,453, plastics can range in price from $100 to almost $800 a ton based on the type, while tin is worth about $300 a ton. Papers and corrugated cardboard hover around $200 a ton.
Towns served by the Tri-Town News and the amounts they are scheduled to receive are: Jackson, $53,883; Lakewood, $140,140; and Plumsted, $6,968.
Lacey emphasized the importance of recycling and the environmental and economic benefits associated with it.
Lacey said that since the county began operating its materials processing facility in Lakewood in 1991, more than 1.3 million tons of materials have been processed, resulting in a total savings of $95.5 million by avoiding the tipping fee at the landfill.