Jackson Township Council members should think of residents first

The regularly scheduled Jackson Township Council meeting held on Dec. 28 was canceled according to a notice posted on the town’s website. It did not surprise me to read that notice, as I had received a recorded call from the township earlier that day explaining that the township had extended the state of emergency until 5 p.m. Dec. 28 and asking all residents to stay off the roads.

Apparently, the councilmeeting was rescheduled at some point and even though only two council members were in attendance, the meeting was held and cell phone votes were allowed (by council members who were not present).

Residents I have spoken to have many questions about how this onagain, off-again meeting took place and votes were cast. The discussion has now changed to skepticism.

What was so important that the meeting could not remain canceled and be rescheduled? Why was the meeting convened when a quorum of council members was not present? How does the council sanction cell phone votes when it has never been done previously?

The worst part of the ensuing discussion, in my opinion, was the remark that the public would have the opportunity to comment on the passed (Dec. 28) ordinances at the meeting to be held on Jan. 4.

Seriously? Is the council telling the residents their comments are so insignificant that we should be appeased to air our views after the measure has been passed? I must be misinformed. I thought the whole idea of having a discussion on ordinances/ resolutions was for the elected officials to hear from the public prior to a vote being taken in an effort to sway a council member’s opinion/vote through open dialogue.

I am disappointed in the actions of the council majority. I am glad to close the chapter on the 2010 Jackson Township Council meetings. There were more than enough “firsts” for my liking during the year just concluded. Let’s hope the council has made a resolution to think of the residents first in the new year.

Cathy Genovese
