GMN photographers honored in NJPA contest

Greater Media Newspapers’ Photo Department took home seven awards in the New Jersey Press Association’s Better Newspaper Contest for 2009. The newspaper group, based in Freehold, publishes 10 weeklies, serving Monmouth, Middlesex and Ocean counties.

“Ride Down” by Eric Sucar, 2nd place, Feature “Ride Down” by Eric Sucar, 2nd place, Feature Head photographer Jeff Granit took first place in the Feature Picture Story category and second place in Sports Action.

Staff photographer Eric Sucar received first places in three categories, General News, Feature and Sports Feature, and second place in two categories, Feature and Sports Feature.

“Our photography staff never ceases to amaze,” said Adele Young, news editor of Greater Media Newspapers. “They can take an ordinary assignment and create a breathtaking piece of art. Their powerful images are what set us apart in the field of community newspapers.”

“Bliss” by Eric Sucar, 1st place, General News “Bliss” by Eric Sucar, 1st place, General News The awards were presented at a dinner in April at the Trenton Marriott Hotel.
“Pros” by Eric Sucar, 1st place, Sports Feature “Pros” by Eric Sucar, 1st place, Sports Feature
“Serving in the Sun” by Eric Sucar, 2nd place, Sports Feature “Serving in the Sun” by Eric Sucar, 2nd place, Sports Feature
“Yoga in the Sun”by Eric Sucar, 1st place, Feature “Yoga in the Sun”by Eric Sucar, 1st place, Feature
“Baywatch” by Jeff Granit, 1st place, Feature Picture Story “Baywatch” by Jeff Granit, 1st place, Feature Picture Story
“Heads Up” by Jeff Granit, 2nd place, Sports Action “Heads Up” by Jeff Granit, 2nd place, Sports Action