Time for the Tigers to Go. Isn’t that just wonderful. What a lovely headline. It is unbelievable how people just decide that it is time to send something or someone away.
Now, I realize that we are talking about tigers, but it is not just the tigers. It is the principle of it all. I have lived in this area for over 20 years and knew nothing about the "Tiger Lady."
There were never any problems until developers moved in.
Now the land is too valuable.
Property values are in jeopardy. The heck with this woman who has lived quietly doing her own thing all these years.
We who wanted to move to this area to enjoy its rural atmosphere are now deciding just what we want and don’t want.
Our homes are bigger, our tax money speaks more loudly. This is what we want, and we will not relent until we get it.
Well, isn’t that nice. Amer-icans never change.
It is the American Indian syndrome. Thanks for keeping the land nice and rural for me; now could you please get out of my way.
Indians, farmers, poultry raisers, horse owners, tigers, senior citizens, it is "Time for You to Go."
Roberta McGilvery