Everclear concert will aid Shores United relief effort

As seen in TheBeachBeat.com

I n the throes of a nightmare storm, while the winds howled, the water levels rose and the lack of power cloaked almost everyone in darkness, strangers came together via social networking and started something huge. With a resolve that surpassed that of Sandy’s will to destroy, they gave birth the next day to a grassroots concept for New Jersey’s recovery that would remain intact and thrive long after Sandy died down.

Using the power of social networking to initially connect volunteers with those in need and organize collection sites and donations to help meet the needs of those impacted by the worst storm to ever hit the Jersey Shore, word quickly spread and Restore the Shore — renamed the Shores United Relief Foundation (SURF) to avoid confusion with other similarly named organizations — was born. The effort soon gained strength and grew into the largest volunteer relief foundation to directly help families and businesses impacted by superstorm Sandy.

In its first eight weeks, under the leadership of Ryan Kurek, Mike DiGiacomo and a handful of others, it surpassed 28,000 members in 44 states and 23 countries, making SURF the largest nongovernment, noncorporate relief organization on the East Coast. SURF raises money to help families with costs not covered by FEMA or insurance.

SURF held a special event on Jan. 26 to distribute $75,000 to three dozen families impacted by Sandy. Checks averaging $2,000 each were personally presented to families at the event. The nonprofit quickly planned its next event for three weeks later — a benefit concert featuring the popular band Everclear. This will be held Feb. 16 at the recently reopened Jenkinson’s on the Point Pleasant boardwalk.

Doors open at 7 p.m. In lieu of a cover charge, a $40 per-person donation will be accepted at the door or in advance at jenksclub.com. Donations will go directly to local Sandy-impacted families and businesses who desperately need financial and housing relief, organizers said.

Flying in from California to play for SURF, Everclear is a rock band best known for hits that include “Father of Mine,” “Wonderful,” “I Will Buy You a New Life” and “Everything to Everyone.”

The night will feature a redcarpet entry into Jenk’s and photo-op wall to recognize support of Sandy victims, as well as SURF partners that made the event happen. Drawings will be held for Hoyte Custom Surfboards, shaped in Ventura, Calif., and designed by Brian Begley, as well as men’s and women’s Shores United custom beach cruisers from Worksman Cycles in the Rockaways.

There will also be promotional events, video feeds, limited-edition event merchandise, and a few cool surprises and faces. For details and tickets, visit jenksclub.com or shoresunited.org.