Rapid development leaves no home for wildlife

In response to the Nov. 1 letter to the editor from Hackettstown that called for changes at the Fish and Game Council, they are avoiding the true topic. Obviously, the writer has not taken into consideration the amount of new “McMansions” and strip malls popping up left and right. Nor did the writer note that the population of our once-rural areas has multiplied to the point where they can now be considered suburbs. Before anyone starts bashing “hunters … targeting deer for slaughter,” gun legislation activists, or the New Jersey Fish and Game Council, please consider that as beautiful as these animals are, they will never be attractive on the front of gas-guzzling sport utility vehicles, or on small cars, or on your checkbook (in terms of having to pay for damages when you hit one).

Until there is a program that spays and neuters the deer population of New Jersey, which is physically impossible and would reap more of your precious tax dollars, these animals will continue to overpopulate the area and have nowhere to go between parking lots and stretches of townhouses.

Over the past 10 years, overpopulation of these animals has led to hunting periods being lengthened by six weeks or more. Hunting licenses and the taxation on firearms and ammunition continue to breed revenue for the state of New Jersey.

Perhaps people should focus their concerns on the real issue at hand, which is the unnecessary and rapid development of farmland and wooded areas that ultimately leaves no home for any wildlife. Stop worrying about Bambi’s feelings and recognize that without hunting, you are condemning these animals to more suffering in numerous other ways. I hope you remembered that when placing your vote.

Jessalyn Darlea

Upper Freehold