Notre Dame High School, Lawrenceville, has named Joanna Barlow of the New Egypt section of Plumsted assistant principal for curriculum and instruction at the school. Most recently, Barlow served as the English Department chair at Piscataway High School, where she oversaw the development and revision of the English curriculum, aligned curriculum to meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, and helped to execute three new interdisciplinary programs. At Notre Dame, Barlow will oversee the curriculum council in the development of curriculum, instructional methods and assessment techniques. She will coordinate the faculty’s professional development and will supervise and support the director for instructional technology, the instructional media coordinator and the interdisciplinary coordinator.
The Plumsted Business and Merchants Association is planning a Fall Consumer/Business Expo for Nov. 5 at the Dr. Gerald H. Woehr Elementary School. The cost for a table is $35 for PBMAmembers and $50 for nonmembers. Nonprofit organizations will not be charged for tables. Limited space is available. For more information, call 609-758-8002 by Nov. 2.
A Breakfast Bonanza networking event hosted by the Howell Chamber of Commerce will be held at Kumon Learning, 4242 Route 9 south, Howell, from 8 to 9:30 a.m. Oct. 14. All are invited to attend for networking and an information session titled “What’s on Your Mind?” The event is free to chamber members and $5 for prospective members. Details: 732-363- 4114.
The Howell Chamber of Commerce will host a Medical Expo 5:30-8 p.m. Oct. 11 at CentraState Medical Center’s Star and Barry Tobias Ambulatory Campus, 901 W. Main St., Freehold Township. All are welcome to attend for networking, a medical expo and a presentation by guest speaker Dr. Daniel Messina, senior vice president and chief operating officer. The event is free to chamber members, with a fee for nonmembers charged at the door. Members can book expo tables now for $125 each. Details: 732-363-4114.
“Being Red Cross Ready: How to Prepare Your Business and Home Should a Disaster Arise” will be presented by Carol Cohen of the Red Cross at the Howell Chamber of Commerce’s Lunch and Learn event to be held from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 20 at Nonno’s Pizza, 4118 Route 9 south, Howell. Admission is $15 for chamber members, with nonmembers welcome for $25. Details: 732-363-4114.
The Diversity and Inclusion Committee of the Jersey Shore Association for Human Resources will present an interactive panel discussion and educational forum to help increase awareness of different populations in today’s work force.
Attendees will learn best practices for creating inclusion, increasing retention, and improving productivity at the Oct. 13 meeting of the JSAHR to be held 8-10 a.m. at Jumping Brook Country Club, Neptune,
The registration fee and a full buffet breakfast is $25 for JSAHR members, $35 for nonmembers, and an additional $5 for walk-ins. To register, call 732-244-8892.
Dr. Ron Rotem, a Toms River dentist, is sponsoring his seventh annual Halloween Candy Buy-Back Contest from Oct. 31 through Nov. 2, from noon to 4 p.m. each day. All are welcome to bring unwanted Halloween candy to Dr. Rotem’s dental offices, 355 Lakehurst Road, Toms River, in exchange for $1 per pound (up to 10 pounds) per family. The child who brings in the most candy, by weight, will win a $50 gift card. Because of the volume of candy collected by area schools, this year only individual classrooms are eligible to win a cash prize — not schools. One teacher from either a public school or a private school who collects the most Halloween candy, by weight, from students in his or her classroom and brings it to Dr. Rotem’s offices will be eligible to win $400 to spend for his or her class. The contest will end at 4 p.m. Nov. 2. All of the collected candy will be sent to service members in the Middle East with the help of Patrick O’Keefe, a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 400, Wall Township; the Monmouth and Ocean County Central Labor Council; and the Monmouth and Ocean County Building Trades. Last year more than a ton of candy was sent to the troops. Details: 732-341-8500.
The Jersey Shore Business Leaders “Getting to Know Us” networking event that had to be postponed because of Hurricane Irene has been rescheduled for Oct. 5 from 6-8 p.m. at the Watermark, Asbury Park. The cost of $15 will include appetizers, an extended happy hour, and a chance to win door prizes. Aportion of the proceeds from this event will benefit the Algonquin Arts Theater, Manasquan. Jersey Shore Business Leaders was recently formed to provide career-minded individuals with opportunities to develop and continue to grow professionally, civically, and socially by networking and building relationships with other young professionals, in addition to learning from more seasoned professionals. To register, call 732-240- 4500, ext. 7522.