As a retiree and resident of Jackson for 30 years, I am very interested in the upcoming Board of Education election. I have witnessed the population explosion in Jackson and the effect it has had on our property taxes. I strongly believe that we must elect members to our board who will keep a sharp eye on costs, especially in this time of economic decline.
However, as a father of three grown children, all of whom attended the Jackson schools, I am equally concerned that the children of Jackson are offered the same educational opportunities that my children enjoyed. In order to achieve this balance, we need sensible people on the board who will not only watch our tax dollars, but will dedicate themselves to the educational needs of our children.
I believe that now, more than ever, we need the valuable experience that Mike Hanlon and Barbara Fiero have gained during their time on the board.
During their tenure, they have demonstrated fairness to both the students and the taxpayers of Jackson while undertaking the fiscal challenges created by decreased state aid and the increase in student population.
They have sought alternative funding and developed innovative ways to cut costs while protecting the quality of our schools. I believe they are best equipped to guide us through these uncertain economic times in order to achieve our goal of providing an excellent education for our children while continuing to monitor spending.
Richard Ambos