Applications for the annual Ocean County Tourism Promotional Matching Grants program are now available. The grants are to promote tourism in the county.
Over the years, nonprofit organizations, local business groups and municipalities have used the funds to leverage expenditures by Ocean County tourists into fund-raising dollars for worthy local causes by promoting events of interest to tourists.
Other organizations have used funds for brochures listing activities of interest to shore area visitors.
The grants are available to nonprofit 501 (c) organizations, business organizations and municipal governments for activities that promote tourism in the county.
They are evaluated on a point system, which is included in the application rules.
Awards are subject to final approval in the 2005 county budget.
Applications are available from the Ocean County Public Affairs Department by calling (732) 929-2000 or (800) 722-0291, ext. 2000.
The grant application can be downloaded from the Internet at grant/grant.doc, but five hard copies must be submitted to the Public Affairs Department at 101 Hooper Ave. no later than Jan. 31 at 5 p.m. Applications will not be accepted via the Internet.
Ocean County Freeholder Joseph H. Vicari said that in 2004, 62 grants ranging from $500 to $1,050 were awarded. Organizations must match the grants dollar for dollar.
The minimum grant is for $500. Funds must be used to promote tourism in Ocean County through activities such as advertising and brochures.
They cannot be used for operational costs or toward items such as fireworks, general newsletters to members or advertising journals.
Vicari said, “Each year, hundreds of thousands of tourists come to Ocean County to enjoy our special events. Dedicating some of the tourism promotional budget to help our worthy local organizations benefit from the cash flow these visitors bring into the county is just good, common sense.”