Tax preparation assistance will be available for seniors

PLUMSTED – Senior citizens in Plumsted who need assistance in completing and filing their federal and state income tax returns in advance of the April 15 deadline will benefit from the continuation of a new program that was offered last year for the first time and well received, according to Mayor Ron Dancer.

With the support of Ocean County Freeholder Director Joe Vicari, the Ocean County Office of Senior Services, in cooperation with the AARP/VITA volunteer tax aide program, has arranged for an experienced and trained volunteer tax aide to be available at the Plumsted library. The tax aide will provide one-on-one assistance to eligible Plumsted senior citizen taxpayers in completing their federal and state tax returns.

Dancer said the Township Committee and the Ocean County Office of Senior Services appreciate the willingness of the library to host and accommodate this public service. The service will be available on Fridays, beginning Feb. 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (with the exception of Good Friday) by appointment. To determine if you qualify for this free tax return assistance program and for a checklist of items to bring, call toll free the Ocean County Office of Senior Services at 1-800-668-4899. If qualified, call the Plumsted library at (609) 758-7888 to schedule an appointment.

In other news, Dancer said that with the winter heating season now in full swing, low-income senior citizens face the reality of having to pay for their rising utility costs.

With that in mind the state Department of Community Affairs (DCA) is launching an effort to better inform seniors about the availability of energy assistance programs and how to apply for them. The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps pay for heating costs while the Universal Service Fund (USF) helps make utility bills affordable by providing a monthly credit on electric or natural gas bills or both, according to the mayor.

Receiving assistance from either of these programs will not affect the Lifeline benefit some seniors already receive, and in fact, qualified seniors can receive all three benefit programs. For more information on these programs, call the Ocean County Office of Senior Services toll free (800-668-4899) or call the state DCA office at 800-510-3102.