After years of seeing the same old faces and hearing the same old jargon from the people running for school board, I am pleased that two new faces have entered the race.
Scott Sargent and Sharon Dey, thank you for giving me a new choice in this election. I am sick of the half-truths and outright campaign lies I have been fed by the Jackson Township political establishment in town hall and on the Board of Educa-tion.
My taxes keep climbing, politically active people and their appointed bureaucrats keep benefiting, and I see no improvement in service to my-self, my family, or my friends and neighbors. I will be casting my vote for Parents for Educational Progress (PEP), let’s PEP things up a bit.
Scott Sargent and Sharon Dey, I wish you good luck. I am proud to see good people and parents fighting back. This out-of-control spending and lack of accountability, and incompetence shown by members of the current Township Council and school board must end.
I am supporting the newcomers Sargent and Dey on April 17. I urge everyone in Jackson to do the same – it’s time for new voices to be heard.
Lisa Fitzgerald