Four candidates are worthy of support for school board

School board elections will be held on April 15. In Jackson there are four seats that are open, three for three-year terms and one for a one-year term. For the sake of our children it is imperative that you take time out of your busy schedule and vote.

Last year Kathy Mallette sent out an email to many individuals in our township urging them to defeat Twila Rust and myself because of our philosophical differences on how board members should conduct themselves. She even suggested that voters "not waste one of your votes on an incumbent."

I agree with her, we do have major philosophical differences on how board members should act.

If you believe, as I do, that school board members should be involved in the many activities of the school district, not just board meetings, or, when president, come, say a few words and leave before the activities begin; that board members should follow the code of ethics and make sure schools are run well and not attempt to run the schools; that board members should support the administrators they hire and not attempt to undermine their authority; that board members should hire the most qualified professionals, not friends, their personal attorney or political allies who, to their own admission, have no experience in the job they have been hired to do; that board members should not offer certain employees benefits against administrators’ advice that not all other employees are entitled to; that board members should not allow their family members to be hired over other qualified people, then you will understand why we differ.

Being a board member is a demanding but rewarding job. Good, caring people are needed. We have had them in the past we need them now.

There are four individuals running this year that I believe fit this mold and whom I would urge you to support. They are Linda Lackey, John Morvey, Marvin Krakower and Marty Spielman. These individuals are very different from one another, but they share one thing in common, they care about our children.

They know education and what is needed to run a district effectively, ethically and efficiently. They realize that to be a good board member they must be active in all the activities of the schools. In addition, they believe that it is important to work with our administrators to set goals to improve our schools.

We need a change if we are going to improve our district. Please make a difference. Please vote.

Michael Hanlon
