Lakewood residents open their hearts to needy

BY JOYCE BLAY Staff Writer

Staff Writer

LAKEWOOD — Volunteers opened their hearts and cupboards to Lakewood residents on Nov. 20 by providing them with the fixings for a Thanksgiving dinner.

The annual food distribution drive is conducted by the Lakewood Parent Resource Center and the Shore Christian Center of Allenwood, according to Miriam Medina, parent coordinator with the Lakewood school district.

“Last year we did the same thing for Thanksgiving and Easter,” she said. “[The Shore Christian Center] wanted to service the Lakewood community. We had the people and they had the food.”

This year, 12-pound turkeys were donated by the FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties. The Shore Christian Center ran a drive for additional food that could be donated to needy residents as part of the holiday dinner. Mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, biscuit mix and canned vegetables were handed out, along with turkeys to the 250 people who claimed them at the Lakewood school district offices on Princeton Avenue.

“Everything was gone” at the end of the day, said Medina.

She said that people of every nationality participated in the holiday giveaway. Anyone who wanted to celebrate the holiday and lived in Lakewood was eligible to receive a donation.

One of those recipients was Elisa Salcedo, who is a native of Venezuela. She said people in her native country do not celebrate a holiday similar to Thanksgiving, but she said she was grateful for the dinner as well as for the opportunity to earn a better living here.

“It’s a nice way to be welcomed to a new country,” Salcedo said.

Medina said that last year 350 Thanksgiving dinners were distributed to Lakewood residents. Fewer dinners were distributed this year.

“Times are tougher,” she said, referring to the fact that no donations were received from local residents this year.

Medina thanked former Superintendent of Schools Ernest Cannava, who helped to arrange the use of the school district offices on the weekend, as well as the help of teachers and Board of Education members.

Many volunteers affiliated with the Shore Christian Center from municipalities throughout Monmouth and Ocean counties also donated time and effort to the Thanksgiving dinner distribution. Medina said the Pilgrims should also be remembered on this holiday since their flight from religious persecution centuries ago was the source of the liberties Americans now enjoy.

She said that one person in particular who received a Thanksgiving dinner made her aware of the meaning of the holiday.

“There was a man who appeared to be homeless,” she said. “When he came into the [school district] building, he pointed out a picture hung in the lobby that he said was taken of him when he played football for Lakewood High School. He could have been any of us. It broke my heart.”

Anyone wishing to make a donation of money, food or toys for any age child may contact Miriam Medina at (732) 905-3593.