Veterans receive

N.J. honors

Two special award ceremonies were held Oct. 29 at the National Guard Ar­mory, Sea Girt, to honor 153 New Jersey veterans. Brig. Gen. Eugene Chojnacki pre­sented these awards to veterans of World II, Korea, Vietnam and the Persian Gulf War.

The New Jersey Distinguished Service Medal is the state’s highest military award. To be eligible for the DSM, a vet­eran must currently be a resident of New Jersey, having resided in the state at the time of entering military service, be hon­orably discharged, and have proof of serv­ing in combat while on active during wartime.

The New Jersey Meritorious Service Medal is awarded to those combat veter­ans who were not residents of New Jersey when they entered the military service but who have resided in the state for the past five years.

The medal was originally issued in 1858 for those who had distinguished themselves in the New Jersey Militia, but was infrequently used until reauthorized by Gov. Thomas Kean in 1988.

Those recipients whose service was recognized by the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Air Medal or equivalent medal will receive a N.J. Distinguished Service Medal with an oak leaf cluster. The DSM can be awarded posthumously to the next of kin of a veteran who meets the criteria.

The recipients from Howell are: Cpl. Ross L. Cooper, Army, Vietnam (cluster); Sgt. Robert E. McKown, Air Force, Viet­nam; Spc. Five Benjamin Novick, Army, Vietnam; Petty Officer 3rd Class Phillip E. Sanfilippo, Navy, Vietnam; and Sgt. Richard S. Sarokas, Army, Vietnam.

The recipients from Farmingdale are: Staff Sgt. Jackie L. Halsey, Marine Corps, Vietnam (Meritorious Service Medal); and Seaman Joseph R. Rosato, Navy, Vietnam.

For more information on applying for the DSM, send a written request, with copies of all pertinent information; dis­charge document, award citation, honor­able discharge, etc., along with full name, address and daytime telephone number to N.J. Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Attn: Distinguished Service Medal, P.O. Box 340, Trenton 08625-0340.