The full story still has not been written explaining how Holmdel "tree huggers" managed to preserve the beautiful Chase Bank tract in south Holmdel.
Holmdel Mayor Art Davey, during a press conference following the property closing Thursday, credited the township’s "two workhorse environmentalists," Township Committee members Russell Dronne and Larry Fink. They come from different political parties, but their roots are with the Holmdel Environmental Commission, a key player in Thursday’s unique property transfer.
Some people are crediting Chase Bank for recognizing the value of preserving this property. Others may wish to credit those who fought long and hard to stop the Chase Bank project.
Judith Stanley, president of the Monmouth Conservation Founda-tion, was certainly a key player in making it all happen. Her comments at the press conference Thursday after the closing go a long way toward describing the struggle to preserve the 417-acre tract: "Our long day’s journey into night is now over."
It’s time now for township and county residents to enjoy the 227-acre open space portion, which is part of the public domain, and admire the 190-acre portion which will be preserved forever as farmland.