FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP —Republicans Thomas Cook and Anthony Ammiano were re-elected to three-year terms on the Township Committee on Election Day, Nov. 3. Ammiano and Cook fended off a challenge from Democrats Doris Lin and Haven Franklin.
Ammiano received 2,796 votes and Cook received 2,781 votes to win new terms that will run from Jan. 1, 2016 through Dec. 31, 2018. Lin received 1,854 votes and Franklin received 1,752 votes in their bids for office, according to results posted on the Monmouth County website.
The results are unofficial until they are certified by the county.
Cook and Ammiano issued the following joint statement: “Our first reaction to being re-elected is one of extreme gratitude to the residents of Freehold Township who have trusted us to represent them for another term. We are honored to have their continued support and eagerly look forward to continuing the great traditions of our great family town.”
Lin said she had “a great experience running.”
“Of course it’s disappointing not to win, but we knew from the start that the incumbents were at a huge advantage,” Lin said.
She said she has not decided whether she will run again.
Franklin said she, too, is disappointed she did not win and is “hopeful that someday we can accomplish our goal to elect two or three Democrats to the committee to balance representation and reflect the voting ratio in our township.”
Franklin said her decision to run again is “for another day.”
A Democrat has not served on the Township Committee for more than 40 years.