Construction company awarded pair of contracts in Manalapan

Staff Writer

MANALAPAN — Road improvements will continue in the Yorktown and Monmouth Heights developments under contracts awarded by the Township Committee.

A Middlesex County construction company placed successful bids for two contracts and will complete a series of projects in Manalapan.

At a meeting on July 8, S. Batata Construction, Parlin, was awarded a contract in the amount of $1,179,888 million to complete road improvements in the Yorktown and Monmouth Heights developments.

Officials said the work to be completed by S. Batata will be the next phases in a road improvement program that has been ongoing in both neighborhoods.

According to a resolution that was passed by the governing body, bids for the contract were also received from Precise Construction ($1,296,953), Jads Construction Co. ($1,298,561) and Black Rock Enterprises, LLC ($1,709,045).

At the same meeting, S. Batata Construction was awarded a contract to complete Americans with Disabilities Act improvements at the Manalapan municipal building, Route 522. The contract is in the amount of $316,835.

Monmouth County will pay for a portion of the work — $117,999 — through a Community Development Block Grant, according to municipal officials.

A bid for that contract was also submitted by Earle Asphalt Co. in the amount of $338,013.

In other business, the committee passed a resolution establishing liens against properties that were not being maintained by the owner. In those cases — all of which involved grass maintenance — employees from the Department of Public Works mowed the lawns.

The liens were placed on the following properties: 25 Terence Drive ($122.81), 43 Livingston Lane ($245.61), 21 Wickatunk Road ($245.61), 37 Church Lane ($327.48), 98 Taylors Mills Road ($195.80), 7 Old Cider Mill Road ($625.59) and 308 Iron Ore Road ($235.61).

And, the committee authorized Township Administrator Tara Lovrich to make an application to Monmouth County for open space trust funds that, if received, will be used to construct a pavilion at Holiday Lake Park between Pease and Blenheim roads in the Holiday Park development.

The township is seeking $18,460 in county funding toward an estimated total cost of $36,920 for the construction of the new amenity. The municipality will provide the balance of funding in the form of noncounty matching funds, according to the resolution.

Holiday Lake Park was created when the Holiday Park development was built by Hovnanian in the late 1960s. Manalapan owns the park and controls the project site.

And, the governing body awarded a contract to Mid-Atlantic Truck Centre Inc., Linden, in the amount of $239,974 for the purchase of a 2016 Tri-Axle Hook Lift Truck. There were no other bids received for the truck. Mid-Atlantic Truck Centre complied with all of the terms and conditions of the bid specifications, according to the resolution.

Finally, officials announced that a splash park has opened at the Manalapan Recreation Center, Route 522. The water amenity is open to the public daily from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.