Fankhauser, Lavin, Canario win seats on FRHSD board

Staff Writer

Amy Fankhauser has won a three-year term as a representative from Howell on the Freehold Regional High School District Board of Education.

Fankhauser, an attorney, defeated James Truszkowski, a recent FRHSD graduate, in the Nov. 5 election. Fankhauser received 5,099 votes and Truszkowski received 2,777 votes, according to unofficial results from the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office.

Fankhauser will take over the Howell seat that is currently held by Ronald Lawson, who did not seek re-election.

“I would like to thank all who supported me, express my eagerness to work with everyone to maintain the high level of academic programming we have, and share my desire to actively engage students, their parents, staff and the community in the future of the FRHSD,” Fankhauser said.

“I would also like to applaud Mr. Truszkowski for his interest in serving Howell,” she added. “Having communicated with him briefly following the election, I feel Mr. Truszkowski has the level of enthusiasm and intellect needed to be a valuable public servant, and I hope to see his name on the ballot in the future.”

Incumbent Kathie Lavin won a threeyear term on the FRHSD board as the representative from Farmingdale. She ran unopposed and received 6,767 votes.

Under the FRHSD’s voting system, residents of Howell and Farmingdale were able to vote for representatives from both communities.

Incumbent Elizabeth Canario won a three-year term on the FRHSD board as the representative from Englishtown. She ran unopposed and received 5,186 votes.

Under the FRHSD’s voting system, residents of Englishtown and Manalapan were able to vote for the Englishtown representative.

The FRHSD board has nine members: one representative from Englishtown, Colts Neck, Farmingdale, Freehold Borough, Freehold Township, Manalapan and Marlboro, and two representatives from Howell. Fankhauser, Lavin and Canario will begin their terms in January.