Business Briefs

Business Briefs

Jill Klammer of Millstone has been awarded a child development associate (CDA) credential in recognition of outstanding work with young children. The credential was awarded by the Council for Professional Recognition in Washington, D.C, which represents the early childhood profession.

CDA is a national effort to improve child care by evaluation and recognizing the skills of individuals providing care. The first CDA credential was awarded 25 years ago, and now 46 states plus the district include CDA in their child care licensing regulations.

Every candidate for the CDA credential is observed working with young children or families by an early childhood professional. In addition, the candidate must demonstrate the ability to work with families to develop children’s physical and intellectual capabilities in a safe and healthy learning environment.

JEI Learning Center of Marlboro has announced registration for a summer writing course designed for teenagers.

The program, DECS [Developing and Enhancing Communications (Writing) Skills], is designed to help teenagers develop higher-level critical thinking skills and learn to write clearly, concisely and more effectively.

Starting in July, the summer DECS will consist of 30 hours, given three hours a day for two weeks. It is open to teens who will be freshmen or sophomores in the fall. Registration is limited to ensure individual attention.

The program has been developed and will be given by Carol Abaya, M.A., a nationally syndicated newspaper columnist. She is a former foreign correspondent for McGraw-Hill World News, an investigative newspaper reporter and an award-winning magazine writer.

The tuition is $1,000. For more information, call JEI Director Stephanie Lew at (732) 866-9099.

ERA offices, throughout New Jersey and nationwide, participate in the "Day in May for MDA" drive, in which local ERA offices sponsor events to raise funds for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Last year, ERA brokers of New Jersey raised $21,300 through events such as the ERA/MDA Great Walk, "A Day at the Races," dinner-dances, yard sales, golf tournaments and other events.

On May 13, ERA Advantage Realty sponsored "A Day at the Races" at Freehold Raceway. On June 9, ERA Queen City Realty will hold a dinner-dance and silent auction at Pantagis Renaissance restaurant in Scotch Plains. Ticket sales are open to the public.

Funds raised for MDA by ERA affiliates will be presented at the national MDA Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon held in September. For more information, visit

Donald J. DeSanto, executive director and school psychologist at The Rugby School at Woodfield, Wall Township, was awarded a certificate of merit on behalf of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian. DeSanto is a resident of Freehold. The museum will celebrate its opening Sept. 21 in Washington, D.C., according to a press release from The Rugby School. Dedicated to all the native peoples of the Western Hemisphere, the museum is considered to be a living museum, neither formal nor quiet, located in close proximity to nature. Its design reflects the solar calendar and equinoxes with an eastern orientation.

The Rugby School held its fifth annual Native American Day Festival May 21, with students participating in weeklong workshops and studies in Native American culture. This year’s theme, "Embracing the Oneness of Life … A Path to Understanding," focused on cultural awareness and the contributions made by American Indians.

A special reception will be held during the opening week at the museum on the National Mall in Washington to honor DeSanto and other charter members for their support for the museum.

Prudential New Jersey Properties announced that the real estate agents from the Manalapan office of Trott Realty have moved to Prudential New Jersey Properties’ Manalapan office. As a result of the arrangement, a total of 14 new sales associates have joined the Pruden­tial New Jersey Properties office, located in the Towne Pointe shopping plaza at 359 Route 9 south.

Linda Trott, owner of Trott Realty, and her husband, Stanley, died in an au­tomobile accident in March.

The new Prudential sales associates are Kristine Angelone, Roselle Bachonski, Yvonne Benincasa, Leslie Friedlander, Roy Giordano, Irina Kaliner, Joyce Levine, Anne Lewites, Gabriella Miller, Sharon Swartz, Susan Shenton, Debra Thomforde, Catherine Vesey and Tatiana Zinovieva.

The Western Monmouth Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly gen­eral meeting June 17 at 8:30 a.m. at the chamber office, 17 Broad St., Freehold. The guest speaker will be Monmouth County Clerk M. Claire French, who will present an update on the workings of the office of the county clerk and how it serves the needs of the business commu­nity. The cost is $10 per person and in­cludes continental breakfast. For reser­vations, call (732) 462-3030, fax (732) 462-2123, or e-mail ad­[email protected].

Business After Hours, sponsored by the Western Monmouth Chamber of Commerce, will be hosted by Inkwell Promotions, 1020 Campus Drive West, Morganville section of Marlboro, June 22 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Inkwell Promotions, founded in 1983, is a family-owned promotional merchan­dise source. Headquartered in Mor­ganville, the company has a branch office and showroom in New York City. The company provides solutions to client’s marketing requirements, including a full line of promotional products, art and graphic design, Web site design and de­velopment, premiums and incentives, ful­fillment and distribution, and online cor­porate merchandise stores.

The cost is $10 per person and in­cludes refreshments. Attendees should bring business cards. For reservations, call (732) 462-3030, fax (732) 462-2123, or e-mail [email protected].

The Lakewood BlueClaws will host Monmouth County’s Business After Hours July 13, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at FirstEnergy Park in Lakewood. An R.S.V.P. is required by July 5. While the team is on the road, attendees will re­ceive a behind-the-scenes tour of the park, door prizes, player autographs, and appetizers.

The cost for members of the Western Monmouth Chamber of Commerce, Northern Monmouth Chamber of Com­merce, Eastern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce, Greater Ocean Township Chamber of Commerce, Southern Mon­mouth Chamber of Commerce or the Monmouth-Ocean Development Council is $15 per person in advance or $20 at the door; for nonmembers the cost is $25 per person. For more information, call the lo­cal chamber office or contact Keri Conway at (732) 901-7000, ext. 115; or e-mail [email protected].

Sadon Chiropractic & Rehabilita­tion Center, 23 Kilmer Drive, Mor­ganville section of Marlboro, is offering free scoliosis screenings to children every Tuesday from 3-7 p.m. Appointments are preferred, but walk-ins will be accepted. The office is located in Building 1, Suite B, on the corner of Route 9 south and Union Hill Road. For details and ap­pointments, call (732) 972-6010.

Edwin J. McCreedy, a Cranford at-torney and Colts Neck resident, took the oath of office as the 106th president of the New Jersey State Bar Association on May 20 at the organization’s annual meeting in Atlantic City.

As president, McCreedy is responsible for heading the association’s board of trustees, serving as the association’s offi­cial spokesperson, and meeting with offi­cials from state government and county bar associations to discuss issues of mu­tual concern. In addition, he continues in his role as a trustee for the New Jersey State Bar Foundation, the NJSBA’s phi­lanthropic arm.

Certified by the state Supreme Court as a civil trial attorney, McCreedy has been a member of the NJSBA for more than 35 years and served for three years on the board of trustees prior to his in­stallation as treasurer in 2001. He is a former treasurer and former member of the board of directors of The New Jersey Lawyer Inc., which oversees New Jersey Lawyer – the Weekly Newspaper, the of­ficial newspaper of the New Jersey State Bar Association.

In 2001 McCreedy was inducted as a fellow of the International Academy of Trial Lawyers. Membership in the academy is by invitation only and is lim­ited to 500 trial lawyers from the United States. He is also a fellow and former state chair of the American College of Trial Lawyers, a fellow of the American Bar Foundation and International Society of Barristers, and a member of the Amer­ican Board of Trial Advocates. He is a former trustee of the Trial At­torneys of New Jersey, and a co-founder and past president of the Richard J. Hughes American Inn of Court. He has served on numerous committees, includ­ing the New Jersey Supreme Court’s Civil Practice and Civil Task Force Implemen­tation Review committees. McCreedy is a partner in the Cranford law firm of McCreedy & Cox. A 1961 graduate of Columbia College in New York, he received his law degree from Fordham Law School in 1968. While at Columbia, he received the Charles M. Rolker Jr. class prize, the Alumni Rela­tions Award and was voted permanent president of the graduating class. At Fordham, he received the American Ju­risprudence Prize in Close Corporations.

Alan J. Zwerin, a resident of Marl­boro, has announced the opening of his firm, AJZ Consulting, a full-service book­keeping, accounting and consulting firm specializing in entrepreneurs and small- to mid-size businesses.

Zwerin has more than 16 years’ expe­rience in financial leadership, holding posts from staff accountant to CFO of a public company. He holds an undergrad­uate degree in finance and a master’s de­gree in accounting. The firm’s services include Quick­Books consulting, accounts receivable col­lection, bank reconciliation, bill paying, budgeting, financial projections, cash-flow management, financial statement preparation, controllership, forecasting, process flow engineering and general ledger preparation. AJZ Consulting announced that it will provide businesses with a comprehensive free estimate. Call (732) 772-9710 or e-mail [email protected].

The Monmouth County Workforce Investment Board honored individuals, corporations and organizations that have made significant contributions to their respective fields. The awards were pre­sented at the board’s 13th annual Part­nership Awards dinner held recently at the Garden Manor in Aberdeen.

Recipients of the WIB 2004 Partner­ship Awards included Freehold residents Barbara Nymick, assistant vice president of Provident Bank, for business; and John A. Wanat, executive director of the Mon­mouth County Office on Aging, for com­munity service.

Robert Massaro, M.D., an obstetri­cian/gynecologist and member of the teaching faculty at Monmouth Medical Center, Long Branch, recently earned two awards for his scholarly activities. The Freehold Township resident received the National Faculty Award for Excellence in Residency Education from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecolo­gists, and the Excellence in Teaching Award from the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

Each year, Massaro has played an ac­tive role in the medical education of Monmouth’s eight obstetrics and gynecol­ogy residents and the more than 300 stu­dents of Drexel University College of Medicine, its Philadelphia-based teaching affiliate, and St. George’s University School of Medicine in Grenada.

Dr. Massaro received a bachelor’s de­gree from St. Peter’s College, Jersey City, and taught high school biology for two years before receiving his medical degree from New York Medical Center in Val­halla, N.Y. After completing a residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Lincoln Hospital in the Bronx, N.Y., he joined the medical and dental staff at Monmouth Medical Center, an affiliate of the St. Barnabas Health Care System.