Township maintains strong bond rating

Moody’s Investors Service, one of the world’s largest financial rating institutions, has reaffirmed the strong financial position of Freehold Township. As part of a recent bond sale, Moody’s reviewed Freehold Township’s finance records, according to a press release from the township.

This review resulted in Freehold Township maintaining its Aa3 bond rating. This information will be forwarded to potential investors, companies that wish to purchase municipal bonds.

As part of its report, Moody’s noted that “the Aa3 rating reflects the township’s sizable and growing tax base and healthy financial position with below average debt burden.” Also noted was the fact that municipal revenues are increasing, which lessens the use of fund balance.

The report further stated that “growth will be moderated by the slowing of residential construction given near build-out in this sector.” Moody’s noted that “wealth indices in this largely residential township exceed state and National medians.”

“The continued strong rating by Moody’s shows just how successful we are,” Mayor Dorothy H. Avallone said, adding that Freehold Township has long been known for running government in a businesslike fashion.

Elks fundraiser will

resume on Kruise Nite

Freehold Elks Lodge No. 1474, 73 E. Main St., will serve ribs, hamburgers and more on Kruise Nite, July 26 and Aug. 30 from 6-9 p.m. Proceeds from previous fundraisers have been donated to the families of soldiers killed and severely wounded, as well as to veterans at nursing homes in the western Mon-mouth County area.

Golf event to benefit

children with cancer

The Sunrise Optimist Club of Free-hold will host the 23rd annual Optimist Friend of Youth Golf Open on Aug. 6 at the Forsgate Country Club in Monroe Township.

By participating in this day of golf, sun and fun, participants will enable the club to send children to Camp Quality New Jersey, an organization that provides a free, week-long camping experience and year round support of other fun activities for children who have cancer.

The 23rd annual Optimist Friend of Youth Golf Open provides participants with the opportunity to display their skills, compete with players from around the region and the chance to win prizes – all for a good cause.

The entry fee is $225 and includes greens fee, cart, player gift, breakfast, lunch voucher, buffet awards dinner and course refreshments. For information, contact Carmen Rivello, (732) 462-3710, or Bernie Cohn, (732) 656-8946.