• “Skills and Anger Management Techniques” will be presented by Buzz Mingin, Oct. 20, 7-9 p.m., at Freehold Township High School, 281 Elton-Adelphia Road, presented by Howell Township Special Education Parent Advisory Coun-cil and Freehold Regional High School District Special Education Advisory Council. Details: Kathy, (732) 942-1516.
• “Identity Theft: It Could Happen to You” will be presented by Jan Allen at the Oct. 20, 7:30 p.m. meeting of the Freehold Area Branch of American Association of University Women at Barkalow Middle School, Stillwells Corner Road, Freehold Township. Guests are welcome. Membership is now extended to graduates holding an associate or equivalent degree of at least 60 hours as well as a four-year degree. Details: Barbara, (732) 462-6308.
• A psychic fair, featuring several psychics with various specialties, will be hosted by the Women’s Auxiliary of Freehold Elks Lodge 1454, Oct. 21, 7-10 p.m., at the lodge, 73 E .Main St., Freehold. All are welcome. Readings are $10 each; admission is $10 and includes refreshments. Details: Patty, (732) 577-9536.
• A blood drive will be conducted by Central Jersey Blood Center, Oct. 22, 9 a.m. to noon, at the Raintree development, Wemrock Road, Freehold Township, in the main clubhouse. To make an appointment, call Gloria, (732) 303-0506, or Fran, (732) 780-8627.
• A car wash will be held by Cub Scout Pack 155 of Freehold, Oct. 22, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the West Freehold School parking lot, 100 Castranova Way, Free-hold Township. Donation: $5 per car; all proceeds to be donated to American Red Cross. The Scouts will also be collecting nonperishable food items for Open Door food pantry, Freehold.
• A yard sale sponsored by the YMCA/Colonial Basketball League will be held Oct. 22 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Monmouth County Hall of Records parking lot, Lafayette Street, Freehold. Details: (732) 845-5273.
• An apple festival — homemade apple pie, apple crisp, hay rides, etc. — will be held Oct. 22, noon to 5 p.m., at West Farms United Methodist Church, 153 Casino Drive, Howell. Tickets: $6. Details: (732) 938-2453.
• “Left Behind: World at War” will premiere at Monmouth Worship Center, 176 Route 79, Marlboro, Oct. 22-23 at 6:30 p.m. The movie stars Kirk Cameron and Lou Gossett Jr. and is rated PG-13. Free and open to the public. Details: (732) 332-9600.
• Halloween dance party will be held Oct. 22, 8 p.m. to midnight, at Freehold Elks Lodge 1454, 73 E. Main St., Freehold. The cost is $15 for hot buffet, draft beer, costume contest. Details: (732) 431-8707.
• Halloween Breakfast Buffet, Oct. 23, 8 a.m. to noon, at Knights of Colum-bus, 70 E. Main St., Freehold. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for under age 12; children in costume with adult admitted free. Details: (732) 431-8706.
• Candidates Night for Monmouth County Freeholder — Republicans Bill Barham and Lillian Burry, Democrats Rebecca Aaronson and Barbara McMorrow, and Independent/Green Brian Unger — will be held Oct. 26, 7 p.m., at Monmouth County Library Headquarters, Symmes Drive, Manalapan, moderated by League of Women Voters.